Living Like Christ Everyday

/ Thursday, December 13, 2007 /
My dad has been blogging for a few months now and I must say it's probably really good for him as it's getting him used to using the computer on a regular basis. I helped him put together the basic framework of his blog back in June and in August he started writing in it most every day. I have found it very nice to read what he has to post as he has such a rich volume of religious writings floating around in his head that it's always rewarding to read what is "speaking to him". If you're interested I would encourage you to check out my dad's prayer blog. He writes a lot of commentary on the topic of devotionals, theologians, and encouragement.

Anyway, with my wedding fast approaching I've been a little behind in reading my blogs and news feeds so today I came across my dad's post back on November 22 regarding Oswald Chambers' The Shallow and The Profound. It's been about 3 weeks but I'm finally getting to read it and I find something that really spoke to me too. Oswald says (to paraphrase) to place some solid emphasis on living like Christ in everything mundane in your life. This of course means that you should live like Christ while you drive to work, cook dinner, do house chores, email coworkers, etc. instead of trying to be like Christ only in the Profound moments of your life.

The point is there are not enough Profound moments of one's life to make up for the mundane so it's best to live like Christ in the mundane because it speaks more about Christ to others. After all, Christ participated in all the mundane aspects of life as he once was a living man and he did indeed act like Christ in those times just as much as he did while preaching and teaching others.

Anyway, for some great words of wisdom on a nearly daily basis I recommend checking out my dad's blog and subscribing to the feed.

In other news it dawned on me that I forgot to post the pictures from the 5th annual Thanksgiving at Abby and Kathleen's. There's not too many but here they are:

I gotta say it was great to see friends that I haven't seen in ages, namely Kelli, Evan, and Judi.

Happy December 13th everybody! Just 4 more days to go!

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