That is how long it took me to graduate. Whew! It's over. :) I finished my last class at PLNU on the 28th of February and I just got my grade back. It's a B+!!!!! Tied for my second highest grade in college, trailing right behind an A in Bowling a few years ago. I thought for sure I'd get an A- at least but I guess there's no changin' this "No-A-In-My-Book" guy. B+ is as good as I get.
I had a good time with this class as I found it somewhat interesting and slightly elementary for me. I could've done better with trivial information such as specific definitions but the general concepts I've got down pat. I can't believe how long it took me to finish but chalk that up to a lack of a sense of desire to finish what I thought I'd already finished in the Summer of 2003. Also, I'd like to thank my employer who offer excellent benefits part of which reimburses me for undergraduate level classes in my field of work. Because of them I finished 3 and a half years later.
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