2006 - A Year In Review

/ Tuesday, January 9, 2007 /
Another year has ended and another year has begun. Last year I made a quasi-prediction:
"If this year (2005) is a warm-up for 2006 then I will be happy because 2006 could be the best year of my life! But then again I’m an optimist; I can’t help it."

I could not have been any more correct. 2006 was one of the best years of my life. First of all I began the year in a new living arrangement which was by far better than the last. I made some excellent investment desicions in the Spring and Summer which faired quite well. I began dating Flor who then became my girlfriend the day before my 26th birthday and I couldn't be happier with her footprint in my life. Bowling has been going good. My statistics this year on the PBA Western Regional Tour have been a definitive improvement over the previous year. My job has been a challenge at times but it has supported me financialy and developmentaly and I couldn't ask for a better boss. I'm really looking forward to watching what my career becomes as my job continually evolves. I've had an rich year traveling the country. 2006 brought me trips to New Jersey, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, Missouri, and Hawaii as well as my first Cruise when I vacationed south of the boarder in Ensenada Mexico. Lastly, and most importantly I've really remained close to family and friends and have generaly begun to understand that I am repected by them more than I realized at the outset of this year.

Here's to an amzing 2007. I would be extreamly lucky to experience another year as enjoyable.

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